How to Use At?

Regularly we use “at” to talk about places like an airport, a train station, a bank, etc., and “in” to refer to a city or a country.
We use at” to indicate where something is located.
We use “at” when talking about time.
Using At to Answer a Question

We use “at” to answer the location questions, for example:
Hey, Where are you?
Hi, Where are you?
Hello Jonathan, where are you?
And we answer…
I´m at…the place.
I´m at the library.
I´m at the gym.
Examples of how not to use “at” in a sentence
Don´t use “at” like this:
Incorrect: I am at the America.
Correct: I am in America
Incorrect: I am at the home.
Correct: I am at home.
Examples of How to use At Correctly
Here are some examples of using At:

I left my phone at the park. (location)
Let's see who is at the pool at this time. (location)
We laughed at all of his jokes.
Martin is waiting at home (location)
My meeting is at 3 p.m. (time)
Somebody is at the door. (location)

Using “At” with time
Here are some examples of using at with time:
“At” a specific hour:
· My class is at 8 a.m.
· I ate some breakfast at 7 a.m. today.
“At” a specific time in the day:
· We spoke at breakfast.
· I am going to see her at lunchtime.
Using “At” with Time Expressions:
· At noon
· At night
· At the same time